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Leave a gift in your will

Including a gift in your Will to Sister Project creates a lasting impact by empowering women from migrant, refugee, and asylum-seeker backgrounds to attain financial independence. This thoughtful gesture not only embodies your values but also extends your dedication to social justice and equality well into the future. Your generosity will support future generations of women, equipping them with the skills, confidence, and opportunities they need to succeed and thrive.

Pecuniary Bequest

​A specific sum of money or a particular asset, such as property or shares.

Specific Bequest

A percentage of your estate.

Residuary Bequest

The remainder of your estate after other bequests and expenses have been distributed.

Types of Bequests

Depending on your preferences and circumstances, you can choose from several types of bequests:

How To Include Sister Project In Your Will

Including Sister Project in your Will is a simple and impactful process:

Consult Your Legal Advisor: Discuss your plans with your legal advisor to add a bequest to Sister Project in your Will.

Use Our Recommended Wording: To ensure your gift is allocated as you intend, consider using this suggested wording: "I bequeath [specific amount/percentage/residue] to Sister Project (ABN 28 283 277 131) for its general purposes."
Notify Us of Your Gift: If you choose to include Sister Project in your Will, please inform us. We would be delighted to thank you and keep you informed about how your legacy will make a meaningful impact.



Contact Us
We are here to help you through the process and answer any questions you may have. Please contact us for more information or to discuss your bequest.


Mail: Sister Project, The Hub Level 1 / 38 Main St Ellenbrook WA 6069

Check Out Other Ways You Can Support Us

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Workplace Giving

Encourage your workplace to participate in supporting the sister project. Many companies provide workplace giving programs.


Tax Appeal

Join us in advancing our mission through our annual tax appeal and enjoy tax benefits

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Start a fundraiser

Organise a fundraiser to support sister project and raise awareness about our mission.



Your donation will help migrant, refugee, asylum-seeker women to become economically empowered.

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